90x60 cm Sticker for only Eur 12,99! September 03 2017
Special DZEGUZE offer:
ANY 90x60 cm DZEGUZE repositionable STICKER for Eur 12,99 only
(regular price Eur 21,99-24,99)
+ Free delivery to any Circle K (Statoil).
Nordea Biznesa Skola - ‘Randiņš ar investoru' 13.maijā May 11 2015
DZEGUZE vairāk nekā pusgadu ir čakli mācījusies Nodea Biznesa Skolā.
Ir klāt mūsu gala eksāmens/izlaidums – ‘Randiņš ar investoru’.
Nāciet atbalstīt 13.maijā plkst 18:00, Ūdens ielā 5 (Riseba H2o 6).
Esam pašā sākumā, nāciet laicīgi ;)
Nordea biznesa skolas sezonas noslēgums "Randiņš ar investoru"
DZEGUZE challenge hero April 03 2015
Yeaahhh! We have a DZEGUZE CHALLENGE hero here!
And our DZEGUZE CHALLENGE HERO award and respect goes to Jelena Veide! Great job!
Thank you for being with us!
Dzeguze hero - Jelena Veide - with Dzeguze blackboard sticker and chalkmarker:
Thank you for the challenge, #dzeguze! :) That was really great!
Posted by Jelena Veide on Monday, March 30, 2015
DZEGUZE REWARD for Heroes - post video on March 30 March 19 2015
Join DZEGUZE WAKE-UP cross-fit challenge.
Let's boost sit-ups, squats, bur-pees, push-ups and planks together.
Each day with new challenge!
The first champion who will post video with last workout on March 30 on DZEGUZE Facebook wall - will get any DZEGUZE board 54x36 cm as a sign of our respect ;)
Mandatory rule: the text 'DZEGUZE' should appear in video ;)
(in any creative way – as the text on paper, OR web-page on background etc.)
Let’s prepare ourselves for spring together ;)
Join event on Facebook or
#dzeguze #challenge #crossfit ;)
DZEGUZE competition January 25 2015
New year comes with new ideas! DZEGUZE wants to create a wall game! Please help us to make the right choice! Share your ideas on our Facebook page and evaluate ideas posted by others. The author of a winning idea will get own game for free!
Competition is open until the February 20.
The winner will be announced on February 25.
Let's spread the world with Smart*Simple*Stylish things together
DZEGUZE live event December 07 2014
No plans for Wednesday evening yet?
Come to antiCafe ( AntiCafe Riga Blaumaņa 7, Riga, Latvia) this Wednesday, December 10 and join us for a cup of coffee in cozy place.
Use the opportunity to check and try DZEGUZE products and place your custom design order.
We will be there from 19:00 to 21:00 to demonstrate our products and answer all your questions.
Olga & Natalija