
DZEGUZE @ Kalnciema kvartāls September 13 2015

On September 12 DZEGUZE first time 'went live' on market in Kalnciema Quarter. Kalnciema Quarter in Riga is part of unique European wooden architecture heritage. The Quarter now hosts series of cultural and business events. It was great first time experience of presenting our product to our customers 'face to face'. Thanx a lot to everyone who had chosen our boards and for you interest. We will be glad to receive any feedback on our boards.

Nordea Biznesa Skola - ‘Randiņš ar investoru' 13.maijā May 11 2015

DZEGUZE vairāk nekā pusgadu ir čakli mācījusies Nodea Biznesa Skolā.
Ir klāt mūsu gala eksāmens/izlaidums – ‘Randiņš ar investoru’.
Nāciet atbalstīt 13.maijā plkst 18:00, Ūdens ielā 5 (Riseba H2o 6).
Esam pašā sākumā, nāciet laicīgi ;)

Nordea biznesa skolas sezonas noslēgums "Randiņš ar investoru"